OneCoin becomes OneEcosystem.

OneCoin becomes OneEcosystem.

Due to recent events of USA Department of Justice slam down on the Crypto industry. OneCoin changes name to OneEcosystem as the ongoing DOJ case, USA v. Armenta, USA v.Scott, USA v. Ignatov, USA v. Greenwood and USA v. Dilinska unravels.
The DOJ and Sec have charged some OneCoin management participants, consultants and sales people in an extraordinary charge of conspiracy to wirefraud, money Laundry and securities fraud.
The US government at writing still lacks legislation regarding cryptocurency and hence are placing it all under Wirefraud and securities fraud for their notorious federal conviction machine.
The DOJ and the FBI have started a special crypto task force to take down anything that stands in there way. The SEC Securities and Exchange commission is working hard on getting all crypto to fall under the Securities and Exchange laws treating crypto in the USA as a security instead of as an Asset like most European counterparts.
Due to current market conditions and no regulation in place, many crypto companies domestic as foreign are under scrutiny by the notorious hungry conviction machine.
Watch out crypto ....