More than 5,500 Merchants Accept OES Token!

More than 5,500 Merchants Accept OES Token!
Photo by Shubham's Web3 / Unsplash

With more than 5,5k merchants accepting the OES One token on in exchange for their goods and services, OES token is gradually gaining momentum as a utility token in the crypto community.

Back in the days when founder Dr. Ruja Ignatova decided to launch her own crypto, she always had the merchants at heart. Her idea was always to become the merchant coin and get acceptance world wide for crypto in exchange for goods and services, practically lowering the cost of transactions between merchants and retail clients. Furthermore she advocated the benefits of taking crypto as a merchant in relation to the ever so difficult situation with charge back risk or fraud. Many online merchants hava a hard time accepting VISA, MasterCard etc due to the risk of being a victim of chargeback. This is a situation where someone defrauds a merchant, by purchasing some goods using a card transaction and then later making a reclamation of the charge to VISA, MasterCard and other card company, claiming they didn't do the transaction. Perhaps could be stolen cards or simply fraud by the card holder to obtain the goods without actually paying for them. This is a small online retailers nightmare, as they already shipped the goods and then have to pay back the funds to the card company making the claim. Normal terms and conditions with such card companies are chargeback periods of up to 180 days. This creates huge cash flow issue risk for small online merchants. Switching to crypto, the merchant faces zero charge back risk and therefore acts as a great alternative for a medium of exchange between retailer and customer.

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